Friday, June 19, 2020

婆罗黑鹊与”图腾“ Of Bornean black magpies and totems


婆罗黑鹊,或称婆罗白翅鹊,英文称 Bornean black magpie,(学名 Platysmurus aterrimus), 是婆罗洲地方性的物种,该鸟仅住在婆罗洲的树林里,虽然它也会进入附近的公园与农区。属于乌鸦科,婆罗黑鹊与名字虽然是与喜鹊相同,可是其实它是一种树鹊。它时常在树中寻觅昆虫,虽然水果也偶尔成为食物。全身长于 40厘米左右,说了其实也不是一只小型的鸟。其鸟全身虹彩蓝黑,唯独双眼是血红色的(比较前绘图,照片为参考记录罢了)。




During my youth times as of now, all sounds to me are just seemingly mundane and dull. However there is this exception ever since I chanced across this bird call, and it becomes a key starting highlight in my life, and that sound is enough to motivate me to face life and the start of every new day, although this bird doesn't have a melodious call, and downright unearthly at times. But after chancing upon this sound from time to time, I even see that bird as akin to a mascot, even almost akin to a totem.

The Bornean black magpie, scientifically known as Platysmurus aterrimus, is a bird endemic only to Borneo, and inhabits mostly rainforests, although it does venture into nearby parklands and plantations from time to time. It is a member of the family Corvidae (family of crows, magpies, jays), however despite its common name is known as a magpie, it is more related to treepies. It forages the trees for insects with an occasional snack consisting of fruits, and grows to about 40cm in length, not exactly a small bird, then again. Its plumage coloration is iridescent bluish-black, except for the eyes being bloodshot red (as seen with my illustration in the front).

It has a weird call, at times being a weird hollow creaking whistle, at times its calls being harsh grating laughing calls.

To sum it all, this bird is not a frequently sighted bird, yet it gives me a profound implication, a chunk of my life that cannot be removed, it is the milestone that marks my resolve to go around recording birdcalls, and it boosted my resolve to face every new day with enthusiasm, and to soak in the feeling of being in a place where there is no humans, any place where it is devoid of human activity or remotely any presence of them, is the only place where my feelings are the fullest.

新的故事段 A New Chapter For This Page




I haven't touched this page for such a long period of time. Now that I am back as young man, I has returned to this page and felt that I should make some adjustments. In the future, this page will be used to write some comments about my views on my surroundings. Since I myself have become a college student, and thus naturally I am relatively free to take in my surroundings. For nature, this had became an important niche in my own heart. This niche had filled not just my heart, but also my mind and imagination, and that my life shall be intertwined with this niche.

Now, although I am a law student, I am also a person who observes nature. Nature gives me some hope in life, but also gives me a responsibility. After all, I believe that one of my life's purpose is to take care of everything God has created. Even with other aspects of my talents, these talents are also  evolving with the progress of time, and thus my drawing ability has gradually strengthened with the progress of time. During these periods, I also absorbed other abilities: recordings, taking notes and logging notes, and others.

Long story short, from now on, on this page, my resonance and view, as well as my notes with nature shall be written here.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

MyStory 1

2日7月 2008年




7月- 9月 2008年

妈妈说:画的不错。她把它放在书架上摆设 。



窗外就是Bukit Timah森林,虫鸣鸟叫,晚上更是阴森森,什么怪声都有,没有妈妈陪,我可不敢来咯!




